SAESHA Respite Care Unit (SRCU)
SAESHA Respite Care Unit (SRCU): This unit is provides short term care for around 10 persons with autism. The decision to offer the short term care services to relatively small number of users is deliberate. We firmly believe in social inclusion and the right of every person with autism to live within the family system. If a long term permanent residential facility is created, very often it is misused by family members to leave the person with autism there and deprive him/her the right to be mainstreamed and accepted in the community. However, we also understand that parents have responsibilities other than caring for their disabled child, and some of these responsibilities may take them away from the child for a few days/ weeks. The parents need a facility where their child can remain safe and be given quality care in their absence. At SRCU we provide such a facility to parents who need respite from caregiving.
The SRCU will offer the following activities:
- Safe and reliable Caregiving
- Independent living and social skills
- Leisure and recreation